You are the Captain

You are the Captain
We believe we are strong but in reality very weak
Our future is unknown and eternally very bleak
The seas are rough and the storms they are many
Trading our souls for just a penny
We treat our lives as one big pleasure trip
But You are the Captain
We are just passengers on the ship
We seek to ignore the love You generously provide
In You we must live and always abide
As long as we remain under Your protection
You will provide the correct direction
Your Word we avoid and give no lip
But You are the Captain
We are just passengers on the ship
Sometimes we want to just take the wheel
But instead need faith, drop and kneel
We are not worthy to steer or navigate
Choosing to have the devil as our roommate
Grasping for truth we always lose our grip
But You are the Captain
We are just passengers on the ship
You came to the earth to serve and to save
You came as a king but chose to live as a slave
In the temple You came and the moneychangers You did toss
Giving Your life for ours and dying on the cross
Enduring punishment and the crack of the whip
You are the Captain
We are just passengers on the ship
But we must have faith that You will help us reach our destination
Leaving this world towards a heavenly migration
You have our back and in You we have much hope.
In the darkness we live and fervently grope
You created us to go on this crazy trip
You are the Captain
We are just passengers on the ship
Our desires are many and we soon will stray
We should Leave it to Him and only worry about today
But You are all powerful and keep our enemies at bay
In You we seek and continually pray
Holding on for a while but perpetually slip
You are the Captain
We are just passengers on the ship
We keep asking are we there yet?
Yes You say, close we are and free of debt
One day the ship will arrive and on land we will abound
Citizens of Heaven we will be crowned
On that day we will run, hop and skip
You are the Captain
We are just passengers on the ship
You came and showed us the way
You showed us what it would be like one day
The trials are many and sometimes feel alone
We must stay lighthearted and sing not groan
Because we are safe as long as we remain on the ship
You are the Captain
We are just passengers on this trip
-Gerritt Beatty