Well Done

A family had a son and they named him Weldon. When asked why Weldon , the mother deferred to the father and said he named him. The father being a bit of a funny guy by nature, said well I am a steak guy and I like my meat well done! Chuckling after this statement, he never really gave the reason for the name.
Years later, the boy grew into a man and never did get the real reason why he was named Weldon. No one in the family had the name before him. His father passed away after many years of sickness. Upon going through his father's possessions, he came across a Bible. There was a piece of paper with something on it acting like a bookmark.
The paper was shoved into the Book of Matthew specifically Chapter 25. Highlighted on the page was verse 23. "His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
There it was, the meaning of his name. His father unbeknownst to him was very faithful in his relationship with God. This verse apparently meant so much to him that he named his son after it. On the piece of paper it said, " You are my son, I have begotten you." Hebrews.. I want you to do well and be found worthy in the sight of God"
All through his life Weldon received much love and support from his father and was showered with so many gifts and wisdom yet he never appreciated any of them. As he looked back over his life, he said in his heart I should have been more grateful. "I am so sorry father for not showing you my gratitude for all you supplied me with." From that day forward he devoted his life to the purpose of helping others and living up to the name that his father gave him.
We are sons and daughters of the Most High. Our Father in Heaven has showered us with SOOOOO much. It is our mission to become the namesake Well Done and put on that mantle so that one day when we see the Lord, He will deliver this message to us: Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’. Amen!
Love your fellow man, share your gifts with others, proclaim His Name above all others and rebuke evil when you see it. Become Weldon!
And that is the Whole Truth!
May God truly bless you in your walk with Him.
And remember, God always answers His kneemail.