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Proof of God
Have you run into anyone who still does not believe in God? Would you like some tools to counter their argument? Well keep reading below....

The Greatest Weapon
We live in a sin filled world. All around us is pain, death, deception and heartache. Just yesterday, forty-four Orthodox Jewish citizens...

Well Done
A family had a son and they named him Weldon. When asked why Weldon , the mother deferred to the father and said he named him. The father...

Mixed Nuts
Ever throw a party at your house? Food is the biggest part of the planning. Nuts are a popular food to leave out for guests, but what...

He is Risen
The early morning of Sunday 33 AD started out as any regular day. Except it would not stay that way. This day would go down in infamy as...

Our Sin His Sacrifice
Today is Good Friday. The day many believe to be the day Jesus was tried, beaten and nailed to a cross. This Jewish man was dealt this...

One Righteous
I pray to God every day. Does he hear my prayers? The Bible says: The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James...

Power of Prayer
My son hit his head and was rushed to the Hospital. He underwent surgery to relieve the pressure of blood on his brain. His mother and I...

Hey God?
Most of us these days have some type of smart speaker. Whether it is Alexa, Google, Cortana or Siri, these devices can do some amazing...

For the Love of God
On my Whole Truth postings I see so many people claiming they are praying to God but not getting any answers or blessings. These lack of...

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