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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all and a prayer that each of you will experience joy this season. It is this season that marked the beginning of hope of eternal life and salvation from the woes of this world. As you open your gifts this Christmas morning, let us not forget why we even have this holiday to begin with.

Whether you believe in Jesus or not or that He was born in December, let us rejoice in the event that changed the course of mankind. Through this event, God delivered to us the most amazing gift of all. The child that would grow and become our stand in for death and destruction. The One who would give His life so that we may keep ours.

Jesus was born in meager surroundings. Hay for a bed and the smell of animals and poorly insulated structure. He was born this way so that this King could live by example that wealth and fine possessions do not make the man or woman. His message of peace and love were counter to this world and this world sought to remove Him from it. While they did temporarily, He demonstrated the power that is available to all who believe in who He is.

He was God incarnate sent to provide a way to end suffering, pain and fear. Through His birth, death and resurrection, His word has gone out to millions of souls. There is nothing expected of us in exchange for the gift of Jesus birth. All we must do is claim His name and His Royal origin. Not hard to do nor does it cost a cent.

Accept this special gift this holiday season. Fall to your knees in humility to this overwhelming gift of the Father and pray for His guidance in your life. May He pour out His Holy Spirit among you this Christmas and may you be renewed.

Just as He came as a babe in a manger so too will He return as the King He was born to be. One who will rule with a rod of iron.. Revelations

Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand, And His arm shall rule for Him; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him. Isaiah 40:10

We look forward to that day Lord Jesus when we can give thanks and accept our reward. Look He is coming in the clouds! The Son of Man with great power and glory. AMEN! Merry Christmas and thank you Lord for your birth and sacrifice so that we may live eternally with You.

And that is the Whole Truth!

May God bless you exceedingly this holiday season and may 2021 be a healthy, prosperous new year and new you.


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