The Whole Truth about achieving Resolutions

The average life of a New Years resolution is 12 days. So by January 13, New Years resolutions have already been forgotten. If you continue to read below, I will reveal the secret to keeping those resolutions in 2020.
In 2019, I resolved to lose weight. I am sure I shared that resolution with over 100 million other of my fellow human beings last year. At 182 lbs, it was time to start slimming down. My goal was 165 lbs. As of January 1, 2020, I was 178 lbs. I did not reach 165 but I did achieve my resolution of losing weight in 2019. How?
Well, one word, Commitment. I was committed to losing weight and it consumed my entire being for 12 months. While I was weak quite a bit of the year and succumbed to chocolate cake and apple pie, I did manage to lose 4 pounds when the year was said and done. A good start and 2020 holds another 12 months of promise and achievement.
Commitment is the key to relationships and marriage. Divorces spike when commitment to the relationship is lost. There is one commitment we all must make in 2020 that will certainly turn our lives around. A commitment to Christ.
We are all children of God and as such we must honor our Father in Heaven. We do this by committing our time towards Him. We have 24 precious hours a day to do as we please. Each one of these is a gift of God. How many people died yesterday and did not complete their allotted 24 hours? We just do not know when tragedy may befall us and we are no longer part of this world.
Commitment is the key to success. Yes, we will be weak at times and falter but commitment gets us back on the path, The sins and disappointment of yesterday are in the past and cannot be changed. Forgive yourself for being human and "resolve" to do better! Today is a new day.
Commitment is the sail that puts us back on course no matter the storm we have or are enduring. If you are committed to Christ, as His child, you will succeed. Psalm 37 reminds us:
Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.
So in 2020, resolve to have a closer relationship with God and Jesus. Resolve to spend time in His word on a daily or weekly basis, whatever your schedule allows. Get up 15 minutes earlier and read the Bible before your day begins. I guarantee you will not be disappointed with the results.
Whatever your resolutions for 2020, commitment will help you achieve them all. Most of all I pray, that one of those resolutions is a closer relationship with our Creator. May God richly bless you and yours in 2020.
And that is the Whole Truth!
Have a wonderful rest of the week and may God bless you in your ongoing walk with Him.
And remember,
God always answers His kneemail.