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tis the Season

That time of year again! Seems like yesterday we had Christmas 2018.

Yes Santa is in full regalia, Decorated Trees are everywhere and the consumer frenzy we call Christmas is in full swing. The churches and the retail shops are putting in extra time this month to fill their pews and stores as well as their coffers. Most of the money collected will come during these days of December.

The Whole Truth is that Jesus was probably NOT born around this time in Bethlehem. The scripture mentions the shepherds out in the fields tending to their flocks. December in Israel is just too cold for the shepherds to be doing this. Additionally, there is a time of the year called lambing season (Google it) and this occurs in the Spring when lambs are typically born. Hence the Lamb of God would be born at the same time.

It would make more sense for our Lord to arrive on the scene after the harshness of Winter and the darkness of the shorter days. Light and the emergence of life make more sense for the birth of the Savior of the world.

Seeing that the previous festivals during the winter solstice were more pagan in nature, it is understandable why the church leaders of the day chose to replace it with a more peaceful celebration than the riots and merrymaking that accompanied December 25th in Rome at the time. The idea that Christ was born on December 25th was not from the Bible but the church. Therefore Christ Mass became Christmas.

It would seem to be OK if we celebrated Christ birth during this season but unfortunately as always happens, the world has different plans. December is still a month of merrymaking which accounts for increased numbers of drunk drivers and accidents. Lack of family during the holiday season increases depression as well as increased anxiety to buy gifts for the family and go deeper into debt. Instead of God rest ye merry gentlemen it is joy to the world!

I pray you take some time this "holiday season" to remember why the church created this celebration to begin with and give thanks to God for loving us sooo much to send His Son to light the way and ultimately be our sacrificial lamb for our sins. Merry Christ Mass..

And that is the Whole Truth!

Have a wonderful rest of the week and may God bless you in your ongoing walk with Him.

And remember,

God always answers His kneemail.

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