My Dad is better than yours

Back in our early childhood, you could hear kids claiming that their father was better than everyone else's. "My dad is a fireman, well my dad used to be a boxer...." Remember that?
Today, we see people still touting their father's on Facebook and other social media sites. While this is commendable gesture and credits the poster with honoring their father, the scriptures tell us we only really have one Father, our Father who art in heaven.
God the Father is portrayed throughout the Bible as teacher, merciful, forgiving and at times destructive. He is also a Jealous God. As He should be since His whole persona is love and He wants all of His children to come to Him. He sent His Son to bring us back and convince us that His way was better than ours.
Today, many follow a different father. The father of lies has permeated this world and has spread his influence upon the whole human race. His persona is destruction, selfishness, pride and prejudice. His way has led to death for humanity but God the Father has offered a way out from that morbid destiny.
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1
We need to file a petition to leave the care and oversight of our father the devil as Jesus calls him in John 8. He was a murderer from the beginning. He still murders today, especially those who seek the Heavenly Father.
Our heavenly Father knows what we need and is more than willing to give it to us. We just need to come to Him instead of trying to do it on our own. He even knows when the sparrows fall. Matthew 10. How much more important are we?
So yes my Father is better than your father and His way is MUCH better than the lies your father tells you. My Father is capable of taking you under His wing and caring for you too. He created you and you are His children. Come to Him this holiday season instead of getting caught up in the revelry and debt accumulation this world promotes this time of year.
Get to know my Father.
And that is the Whole Truth!
Have a wonderful rest of the week and may God bless you in your ongoing walk with Him.
And remember,
God always answers His kneemail.