We have died with Christ

Why is the death of Jesus so important? Why do we celebrate His resurrection every year around this time?
It is not only His death and resurrection we are concerned with but our own! Our #1 enemy in this world is not Russia, Socialism or even Satan. It is death.
We all must die but there was ONE who came so that we might live! He lived and encountered the things we do and yet overcame the carnal desires of this world and weakness in this flesh. His sacrifice was not for Himself but for us so that we might be found worthy in the site of the Creator to attain eternal life and live forever. Ultimately defeating our greatest enemy.
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:3
Appear with Him in glory! What a wonderful image to always keep in our minds. Those of us who truly wish to live like Jesus must follow Him up to Calvary. We must take the place of one of the thief's on the cross and join Him in crucifixion. There are many today who are already embroiled in this in China, North Korea and the Middle East dying to spread the message of Jesus.
We too must hearken the call and be willing to sacrifice for Him as He did for us. Our sinful existence is unacceptable to the Creator but if we are clothed in Christ's righteousness, we are welcomed into the inner court of His presence. To reign as kings (and queens) with Him.
God is not the God of the dead, but of the living! We must die through Christ and be resurrected as He was in glory.
As you celebrate Good Friday and Sunday morning, meditate on this and be willing to take on His mantle and be counted as one who has forsaken the trappings of this world and has been transformed by the renewing of our mind towards Him.
And that is the Whole Truth!
Have a wonderful rest of the week and may God bless you in your ongoing walk with Him.
And remember,
God always answers His kneemail.