Run the Race to Win!

Imagine you find yourself in a race. It is a long one like a Marathon. You have to complete this race. At the Finish Line is that one thing you have always wanted. Maybe it is a new house or new car or great health or just the sense of accomplishment.
In order to finish this race, you would train for it, you would run it unencumbered and you would put the nourishment into your body for it to operate at its peak performance. Wouldn't you?
Now imagine you are running the race carrying a sack of potatoes. Your fellow racers are also carrying things but some of them only have a bag of lemons or apples. Others are carrying nothing at all and they are flying by you. They will most certainly finish the race and possibly even win. But you trudge on carrying the sack of potatoes.. why? Drop the potatoes and run for the finish line!
The truth is, we are all in that race. It is not a race for a trophy or money or bragging rights. It is a race for our lives. We need to run this race at peak performance and we need to run it unencumbered. Too often we carry around so much baggage that it is impossible to keep up with others and even fall very far behind. It need not be like this.
The good book instructs us accordingly:
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" Hebrews 12
Lay aside that which prevents you from having all you want. Forgive the past that ensnares us and endure the challenge to overcome. Drop all that is holding you back from embracing the truth and the love that awaits us when we finish the race. It is truly worth it!
This is a race for our eternal lives. One that promises a victory we cannot even imagine.
And that is the Whole Truth!
Have a wonderful rest of the week and may God bless you in your ongoing walk with Him.
And remember,
God always answers His kneemail.