Sunrise Sunset

I live in a place called Sunset Hills in California. It is aptly named for the view of the Sunsets we get from our homes. The picture in this post was taken from my backyard. The problem in California is that with the clear skies most of the time, we do not get too many majestic sunsets like these. When we do, you can see all the neighbors in their backyard taking in the beautiful mosaic temporarily displayed before their eyes.
In order to get a majestic sunset or sunrise, you really need clouds. The more varying and populous the clouds, the more majestic the sunsets and sunrises become. In life clouds are usually a bad thing. We here about the black cloud hanging over that person who has trouble follow them wherever they go. The song Here comes the Sun is one people sing when things appear to be getting better in their life.
When it comes to clouds and sunsets, this is when God can do His best work. Clouds are the medium He uses to paint His skies with beautiful works of art that are only visible for a short time. The same is true with us. Like the clear skies here in California, if your life was wonderful all of the time, it would not be much to observe. It is only when clouds are introduced that God can do His handiwork and develop something marvelous to behold.
This is why things happen to us. Christians especially wonder why bad things are happening to us good people. God allows clouds to come into our life so we can become beautiful creations for Him to put on display for all to see. Creations that make us stop and pause and ponder what life is really all about. Every Sunset is different and every person faces different challenges. However, they emanate such gorgeous arrays once they overcome and reflect the light God has shone on them temporarily.
Pity those who have no clouds in their life as God dismisses those who do not seek Him. Embrace your clouds and look forward to the day when you we be able to behold the amazing image everyone else saw while you were here on planet Earth. Be the majestic Sunset and let your light shine before men (and women) so all can see and glorify God.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5
And that is the Whole Truth. God Bless
and remember God always answers His kneemail.